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The website moots.com is hosted by Moots Cycles. “Moots” is a registered trademark of Mucha Brothers, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All rights in the product names, company names, trade names, graphics and logos whether or not appearing with the trademark symbol are exclusive property of Mucha Brother’s Inc, DBA Moots Cycles. The use or misuse of these trademarks or any materials is expressly prohibited, unless permission is granted in writing by an officer of Moots Cycles.
All copyright rights in the text, images, photographs, graphics, user interface and other content provided on the site and the selection, coordination and arrangement of such content, are owned by Moots Cycles. Under applicable copyright laws, you are prohibited from copying, reproducing, modifying or distributing any of the contents of the site for any purposes, unless you are given written permission from Moots Cycles.
Moots attempts to be as accurate as possible in describing its products. We do not warrant that product descriptions or other content of this site are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. We have made every effort to display as accurately as possible the colors of our products that appear on our site. However, the colors you see depend on your specific computer monitor.
The Moots Rider’s Club section of the site is for members of the Moots Rider’s Club, only. To be considered a member of the Moots Rider’s Club, you must be a current Moots frame owner and have properly registered for the club. To register, please see “Rider’s Club” for an application in the Community/Blog section of the site. Once a member, you agree to only use the discount code for the exclusive Owner’s Jersey and other offered products, as they may appear for yourself only, as a registered member of the Moots Rider’s Club.
Please see our Privacy Policy to understand our privacy process.
Contact us directly here at Moots, or find a dealer near you, to help you discover which bike is the right fit for you.