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Matt Alford (MOOTS International Sales Manager) takes “Pete’s Plunge” on the “hummocky” grass
Matt just built a new Pscyhlo X RSL race machine. Cx1, #cantis4life, pure go-fast rig.

This past weekend the Colorado Cyclocross season had a bigger race weekend than normal at the scene of the 2014 Cyclocross Nationals–Valmont Bike Park.  With UCI points on the line for the pros and junior categories, the production level of these races was much higher.  But pro point’s aside, we were there to get two good days of racing under our chamois in the amateur classes.  The course for Saturday was the exact same layout from Nationals.  Features included: “Pete’s Plunge” The “5280 Stairs” and the lower twisty section called “The Glades”. Then on Sunday it was almost completly backwards, with 4 steep punchy climbs and those stairs in the last half lap. *Note to self: practice more suffering.

Now I’m not sure if you have been following Cyclocross this year or for that matter our warm weather pattern, but we have had some H-O-T temps….much too hot for a hard hour effort…..did I mention it was about 80 bazillion degrees on Sunday at race time?  It really doesn’t help to be a mile closer to the sun either.  Also, due to the dry weather in Colorado we have also had courses that are what we call “HUMMOCKY”…this is a term for clumps of grass and in this case it’s high plains type of grass, not your smooth golf course type.  So with the heat, comes the bumps and well as the title says…..comes the blisters.  The last part there is my fault for not having tougher hands, but the grass at Valmont can hardly be call grass.  It’s more of a root-ball that you bounce over no matter how low of psi you are running.  It’s downright rude as a matter of fact……

The racing was fun, we got to hang with good friends and that blister is now a nice callous….so I’ll be set from here on out.

I snapped some photos….hope you enjoy……see you at the races soon.

The beautiful hummocky grass of Valmont Bike Park…. my hands hurt just looking at it…..

Nate Bradley (MOOTS Miter Shop Supervisor) pulled a 3rd in the SM 3 on Saturday and then a 5th on Sunday.
Nate is riding a Psychlo X with D/A Di2 and Cantis.  Note the water bottle on bike.  Hot days call for a drink.

Katie Clause from the Alpha/Vista Subaru/ p/b Moots junior team raced with the SM3 both days.
She is the reigning junior national champion.

That’s a lot of Moots.  The Alpha Cx team is a junior based program and has 5 elite juniors,
two of which are national champions, with the others nipping at their heals.
**Can you spot Gage Hect’s bike with Bart along for the ride?**

Valmont makes for a nice race setting.

Matt on the 5280 stairs getting his #MATTNESS on.

Katie racing with the men.

Nate corners on day one.

A present from Valmont.

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