We have compiled the top 10 things you learn when you get your first Moots. These are comments from real customers after they have had their Moots for a little while………
#1 You don’t know why you ever waited to buy a Moots!!!!
#2 The claim of the great ride quality was waaaay under sold.
#3 Your buddy that has X brand of titanium bike that he thought was the best is suddenly eyeing your Moots.
#4 There are more photos of your Moots in your phone, than of your kids. Don’t feel guilty, it happens.
#5 The name of the person that welded your frame. It comes on the yellow card. Someday you’ll come to visit and meet that person.
#6 You have to explain to your significant other why the bike you have been talking about for months is ‘only’ gray.
#7 Why a company in the mountains of Colorado has an alligator in their brand.
#8 Random people yell “MOOOOTS’’! at you as you ride past.
#9 The other bikes in your stable are collecting dust.
#10 The plural of MOOTS is MOOTS.